Small stuff: samples and surfaces

Recently I've been doing a number of small digital drawings so I can try ideas out on an affordable scale and also so that the work is portable enough to go wherever I need to in the country to try out laser etching etc.. In order to test different surfaces (both for printing onto and using to produce drawings and printing plates) I have ordered lots of samples at 10 and 25 cm square and now have a pile to start experimenting with later in the year (I just so love getting new materials to play with!). If I do manage to get any done before my upcoming exhibitions they will be shown as part of  the collection of small works which I use as a means of representing the 'now'. Long term I'm hoping some of these ideas can then be executed on a much larger scale.....


  1. Can I ask where you get your samples and panels from? And do you have to prime them or do you draw/print straight onto them?

  2. I get them from a variety of sources e.g. the plastic people The vey large aluminium panels I use are from John Jones and I drew straight onto them. I'm still experimenting with priming aluminium composites - nothing so far matches the fantastic surface from John Jones :(
